Persephone De'amaurot
You know what it's like to be alone:
Gimlets and vermicide.
You know what it's like to be alive,
So forgiveness.

✴ Succubus ✴
✴ Nine Times Rejoined ✴
✴ Heterosexual ✴
✴ Lawful Evil ✴
✴ Married ✴
The way you slam your body into mine reminds me
I'm alive, but monsters are always hungry, darling,
and they're only a few steps behind you.
NSFW images ahead. Art credits on request.
Your name with two X’s to mark the spots,
to hold the place, to keep the treasure from
becoming ever lost.
Extroverted ✴ Organized ✴ Open Minded ✴ Calm
Agreeable ✴ Cautious ✴ Patient ✴ Reserved
Cultured ✴ Passionate ✴ Realistic ✴ Motivated
Hair: Black with a strip of white
Eyes: Pomegranate Red
Height: 5'10"
Build: Curvy
Common Accessories: Gold wedding band and engagement ring with a purple center stone. Often wears jewelry, typically yellow gold, but the occasion may change her preference.
Profession: Owner of The Chrysalis
Hobbies: Stargazing, gardening
Languages: Most of them
World Server: Balmung
Free Company: The Chrysalis《CHRYS》Shirogane, Ward 16, Plot 7
Apartment: Shirogane
Birthplace: The Thirteenth
Family: Melinoe De'amaurot (Daughter), Zagreus De'amaurot (Son), Plutus De'amaurot (Son), Meteion (Adopted Daughter)
Relationship Status: Married
I said kiss me here and here and here
And you did.

Paragon Emet-selch
Milennia of searching lead them back together. Though some of the memories still slip through the cracks, they simply pledged to make even more, to replace those that are lost to Hydaelyn's grip on her shattered soul.
Something dead that doesn't know it's dead.
A painting, for instance. An abstraction.
I love plotting and chatting OOCly. Feel free to add me on Discord, just lemme know who you are when you add me! If you're poking me when I'm away, send your carrd or a screen of your character so I at least know who I'm talking to.𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖔𝖓#0666